There are many weird and wonderful Superstitions and Omens that exist in the our world. They range from the quite bizarre to the obvious.
Some of us believe in the supernatural and other worldly matters a lot more than others, some of us don't even stop to think what the significance of any event is, while some of us will freak out at the thought of going out on a Friday the 13th; Black Friday!!
There are some superstitions that we are all familiar with...
Breaking a mirror. If you break a mirror you will supposedly have seven years of bad luck. You can reverse the bad luck by burying the pieces of mirror by moonlight. If a mirror suddenly falls off a wall and smashes then it is said that this is an omen that a death will soon occur. Charming! Common sense would tell us that if bits of flying broken mirror glass hit you then that would indeed be bad luck.
Friday the 13th. Actually, it's the number 13 that seems to be the problem here. Have you noticed when you are in a lift that a lot of buildings don't even HAVE a 13th floor? They do of course have one, they just don't recognize it officially as the thirteenth floor. And, there's many people who have a fear of Friday the 13th. As an adolescent I used to try and get out of going to school on those days, hey it was worth a shot :)
Walking under a ladder. This is bad luck. If you walk under a ladder you supposedly break a spiritual triangle that will leave you friendly with the devil. I should imagine that walking under a ladder could well land you a bucket of paint on your head.
Spilling salt. If you should happen to spill some salt, grab a pinch of the salt and toss it over your left shoulder. This will keep away any bad spirits that are out to get you. I have always tossed the salt over my left shoulder...just in case.
Finding a coin as you walk. If you see a coin in the street while you are walking along, pick it up and you will have luck all day long. Of course it's a good omen to be finding money, though I suspect most of us would rather pocket a note than a coin!
Horseshoes. I live near a racetrack, but I have never come across any stray horseshoes hanging around. If you find one, pick it up and hang it over your door and you will have good luck. I don't know how the horse would feel about it...
Wishbones. Doesn't every household have a fight over the wishbone in the chicken? Two people grab one side of the bone each with their pinkies and pull. If you end up with the big half of the wishbone, make a wish and it will come true. Anyone with any spare wishes reading this page, I'd like a Brad Pitt lookalike thanks!
Four Leaf Clover. About the only thing I find in clover is bees, but there are four leafed clovers out there, and if you find one, hang on to it because it will bring you luck.
~ If an Owl looks in your window or if you see one in the daylight bad luck and death awaits you.
~ If a bird flies through your house, it indicates important news. If it can't get out, the news will be death.
~ If a bird flies towards you, bad fortune is imminent.
~ Crows are viewed as a bad omen, often foretelling death. If they "caw", death is very near.
~ If the flame of a candle flickers and then turns blue, there's a spirit in the room.
~ If you feel a chill up your spine, someone is walking on your future grave.
~ You must hold your breath when you go past a cemetery or else you will breath in the soul of someone who has recently died.
~ You must knock on wood 3 times after mentioning good fortune or the evil spirits will ruin things for you.
~ The superstition of knocking on wood for good luck originates from pagan beliefs in regards to trees.
~ A bat in the house is a sign of death.
~ If your left palm itches, it means you will soon receive money; if your right palm itches, it means that you will lose or have to pay money.
~ If you can remove one white hair off an all black cat, without getting scratched, you have a very powerful good luck talisman.
~ Cats can physically see spirits, so they make excellent guardians against evil spirits. They also love to play with friendly or beneficial spirits.
~ A hat on a bed will bring bad luck.
~ Open an umbrella indoors and bad luck will "rain" on you.
~ Eat an apple on Christmas Eve for good health the next year.
Black cats have long been believed to be a supernatural omen, since the witch hunts of the middle ages, when cats were thought to be connected to evil. Since then, it is considered bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.
ACORN.—Falling from the oak tree on anyone, is a sign of good fortune to the person it strikes.
BAT.—To see one in day time means long journey.
"Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for its living;
But a child that's born on the Sabbath-day
Is handsome and wise and loving and gay."
BUTTERFLY.—In your room means great pleasure and success, but you must not catch it, or the luck will change.
CANDLE.—A spark on the wick of a candle means a letter for the one who first sees it. A big glow like a parcel means money coming to you.
CAT.—Black cat to come to your house means difficulties caused by treachery. Drive it away and avoid trouble.
CHAIN.—If your chain breaks while on you means disappointments or a broken engagement of marriage.
CLOTHES.—To put on clothes the wrong way out is a sign of good luck; but you must not alter them, or the luck will change.
CLOVER.—To find a four-leaf clover means luck to you, happiness and prosperity.
COW.—Coming in your yard or garden a very prosperous sign.
CRICKETS.—A lucky omen. It foretells money coming to you. They should not be disturbed.
DOG.—Coming to your house, means faithful friends and a favorable sign.
DEATH-WATCH.—A clicking in the wall by this little insect is regarded as evil, but it does not necessarily mean a death; possibly only some sickness.
EARS.—You are being talked about if your ear tingles. Some say, "right for spite, left for love." Others reverse this omen. If you think of the person, friend, or acquaintance who is likely to be talking of you, and mention the name aloud, the tingling will cease if you say the right one.
FLAG.—If it falls from the staff, while flying it means danger from wounds inflicted by an enemy.
FRUIT STONES OR PIPS.—Think of a wish first, and then count your stones or pips. If the number is even, the omen is good. If odd, the reverse is the case.
GRASSHOPPER in the house means some great friend or distinguished person will visit you.
HORSESHOE.—To find one means it will bring you luck.
KNIVES crossed are a bad omen. If a knife or fork or scissors falls to the ground and sticks in the floor you will have a visitor.
LADYBIRDS betoken visitors.
LOOKING GLASS.—To break means it will bring you ill luck.
MAGPIES.—One, bad luck; two, good luck; three, a wedding; four, a birth.
MARRIAGE.—A maid should not wear colors; a widow never white. Happy omens for brides are sunshine and a cat sneezing.
MAY.—"Marry in May, and you'll rue the day."
NEW MOON on a Monday signifies good luck and good weather. The new moon seen for the first time over the right shoulder offers the chance for a wish to come true.
NIGHTINGALE.—Lucky for lovers if heard before the cuckoo.
OWLS are evil omens. Continuous hooting of owls in your trees is said to be one of ill-health.
PIGS.—To meet a sow coming towards you is good; but if she turns away, the luck flies.
RABBITS.—A rabbit running across your path is said to be unlucky.
RAT.—A rat running in front of you means treacherous servants and losses through enemies.
RAVEN.—To see one, means death to the aged or trouble generally.
SALT spilled means a quarrel. This may be avoided by throwing a pinch over the left shoulder.
SCISSORS.—If they fall and stick in the floor it means quarrels, illness, separation of lovers.
SERPENT OR SNAKE.—If it crosses your path, means spiteful enemies, bad luck. Kill it and your luck will be reversed.
SHOES.—The right shoe is the best one to put on first.
SHOOTING STARS.—If you wish, while the star is still moving, your wish will come true.
SINGING before breakfast, you'll cry before night.
SPIDERS.—The little red spider is the money spider, and means good fortune coming to you. It must not be disturbed. Long-legged spiders are also forerunners of good fortune.
TOWEL.—To wipe your hands on a towel at the same time with another, means you are to quarrel with him or her in the near future.
WHEEL.—The wheel coming off any vehicle you are riding in means you are to inherit some fortune, a good omen.
WASHING HANDS.—If you wash your hands in the water just used by another, a quarrel may be expected, unless you first make the sign of the cross over the water.
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